Service Providers


Plumbers face many challenges when dealing with water leak issues in residential and commercial properties. At Leak Tracker we take a hands-on approach by teaming with the Plumber to plan the best method and procedures to quickly locate the source of the leak while maintaining the highest level of customer service for the home owner.

Good customer service is the lifeblood of any business. At Leak Tracker our philosophy is simple:

  • Provide precise leak detection service
  • Be on time for all appointments
  • Communicate clearly and accurately with all parties involved
  • Leave job site clean
  • Report All Jobs back to the Plumber or Dispatch

Leak Tracker assists plumbing companies throughout the Bay Area. Leak Tracker will tailor our leak detection services to ensure continuity in your company’s service delivery. Furthermore, Leak Tracker is licensed for leak detection only. We don’t offer any plumbing service, so there is never any conflict of interest. We assure all plumbing companies that any job for which Leak Tracker is sourced and performed will always be reported back to the plumber.

For more information, please contact us at 813-728-6095 or

Property Managers

Leak Tracker is a service provider for property management companies throughout Tampa Bay. We work closely with property managers to ensure that their clients’ leak problems are resolved quickly.

Dwellings typically managed by property managers are interconnected such as condominiums and town homes. Property managers know that when a leak occurs in one unit, it will likely affect the neighboring units. So it’s critical that the source of the leak is immediately located and repaired. We team with property managers to:

  • Coordinate the scheduled call with home owners, maintenance personnel, and any other 3rd party (Plumber) to ensure that access to units is made available for the leak search.
  • Minimize plumbing downtime. Leak Tracker can locate the source of the leak, and if applicable, we will clamp the leak until a permanent repair is made. This gives all parties involved time to plan for the repair without disrupting the homeowners access to water.
  • Identify the source of the leak whether plumbing, A/C or structural so that the property manager knows what type of service provider to call to solve the problem.

For more information, please contact us at 813-728-6095 or

Insurance Adjusters

Leak Tracker is sourced by insurance companies to provide accurate leak detection service for their claim adjusters. Leak Tracker helps Insurance adjusters by correctly locating leaks, whether they are plumbing, A/C or structural in origin.

At Leak Tracker, we understand that identifying the source of the damage quickly and accurately helps reduce the overall cost of the claim. We take the following steps to ensure each claim is properly addressed:

  • Plumbing leaks are located and clamped where applicable to reduce any further damages. The homeowner is coached to contact a licensed plumber for immediate repair.
  • For A/C condensate leaks, Leak Tracker will locate the leak and if the condensate drain line is clogged, we will clean the line to allow the condensate to drain. This allows and home owner to use the A/C without causing any further damages and provides time to schedule an A/C service company to service the system.
  • Structural leaks such as window leaks, wood floor damage, etc., are identified and documented for the adjuster. Our processes help take the guesswork out of water and moisture intrusion occurrences.
  • Each claim is documented clearly for the adjuster’s review and documentation.

For more information, please contact us at 813-728-6095 or